What is financial opportunity in support of our fellow Americans?
Thank you for staying a little longer to answer this add on question. We see it as being directly linked to your commentary on the previous questions you, and by extension, the Panel have answered. So, here goes: What must be done for financial opportunity in support of our fellow Americans…when They regain their rightful place?
Ah, this is really the main engine, or if you prefer, the nuts and bolts of the baseline economic mechanism; to put it another way, the very socio/economic foundation of free societies within Civilization is the ability to earn an honest living…which is of course The People’s rightful place to share among themselves. For that is the only dependable physical way one can chose their way of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Having said that, what must be done is to provide the willing with an individual platform and process to earn not only an honest living, but to make that platform and process one which allows the truest form of choice for anyone. To put it concisely, make it flexible enough for one to chose how they earn an honest living. But the ultimate question is how to fuel it or rather pay for it all? Short of a special progressive taxation of the wealthy, the super wealthy above the tens of millions range that is, the much better way is the kind of a fee/tax you have proposed. It will succeed based and levied upon what most public and private operations pay in a current employee salary range, which is usually between forty and sixty percent–including a sliding scale linked to gross profit with a much lower fee/tax for small operations, below the proposed 20%, progressing to larger amounts for larger operations of no more than 20%. That would include even operations who do not have very many, if any, employees. You lay out the more than fair details in the initiative of course. Still, it will demand the force and will of the Electoral Conscience for all this economic necessity, and I dare say freedom, to be realized!
This will be applicable to a Baseline salary schedule in education and training as well: technical training of desired choice and even literacy learning as well–both skills go hand in hand. Think of the possibilities, in fact, probabilities, for the advancement in almost countless ways for individuals and societies! The aspects of how this shall be governed and overseen will greatly imbed this advancement and is of utmost importance.
And here it is: a beautiful and exquisite major pillar within the Fare Powers Reform are the creation of semi-governing commissions to enhance and protect a worker’s right to engage in either the education or placement in their chosen pursuit! This is brilliant in my view, and I dare say the Panel’s as well, simply because it increases an initiative’s tensile strength to promote and serve the self interest of any qualified individual. Corruption can be avoided, too, in part upon how these various commissions will be formed: its membership comprised of several rotating experts in specific fields and governance to help guide the voting of randomly selected members from a pool of citizen volunteers and union members, who will also be rotated annually, freely giving their service and time for the betterment of their communities. In a profound way actually, this equates to having an intelligent and incredibly strong body guard, I might add.
That was amazing, Professor! We’ll move onto the next commentary question very soon.
By all means. We’ll see you then.