How should we reinforce education to a greater benefit for all?
Moving on before we come to a close, Professor. How should we reinforce education to a greater benefit for all?
You asked a more detailed question as I recall: How can we support well rounded education & reinforce actual skill sets beyond what is currently available? While stated by you in more words, it is actually more to the point to highlight its major points, which are: Support well rounded education; reinforce actual skill sets; and, expand beyond what is currently available. Bullet points will serve us here as well.
Supporting well rounded education is essential; the most essential overall. Without that, the other points cannot come to fruition and stay that way if education is not well rounded. The umbrella term we’re speaking of is the word, Literacy; and we know what that means don’t we? First, reading and writing skills are the foundational skills of effective and efficient communication tools…tools which must used to build and maintain strong cultures and the healthy society necessary to harbor them.
Reinforcing actual skill sets is unimaginably important in ways built upon a well rounded educational foundation! I’m referring to STEM fields, of course, but also all professions which are linked or related to those incredibly broad fields–not just physical construction of any sort, but also service professions that are all ultimately connected.
Each individual expression is linked to any other expression. Expanding education beyond what is currently available will yield inevitable results and create dynamic geometric growth in areas of learning. Think of it? I see it as one major growth factor in Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness!
Let me say this in conclusion, the Fare Pay Initiative is also a Fare Learning Initiative, since they go hand in hand to a large degree, and will be paid for through Fare Pay, at least in a part time sense, and from the same debt free funding sources. This is a classic example of a win/win situation allowing The People to be freer than ever. Knowledge is power only if one possesses the abilities to properly use that power! Fare Pay will help pave the way to use that power.
Many thanks to you and the panel, Professor. You provided an overview in ways we could not. We look forward to your final remarks.
You’re quite welcome. What you’ve done here is nothing short of monumental and I can safely say we’re honored to have been a part of it. I’ll see you soon. But one last request, we’d very much like–and the panel is in agreement on this–to have our conclusions come first as an introduction on your landing page which you informed me is more like a published launching pad. It simply feels more fitting to all of us on the panel.
Certainly, Professor. It feels fitting and right. It’s kind of like adding another booster to the Rocket carrying the Payload of We the People!