
How will reinforced election reform work for the American People?

Nice to see you today, Professor. The next question to be addressed by you and the consensus of the Panel is: How will reinforced election reform work for the American People? We realize it is very broad based, but we’re sure you’re up to its intricacies. As you’ve said, “The Divine is in the Details”.

You are correct, sir! And thank you again for having me. It occurs to me and to us that this question is not as broad based as it may seem at first blush–our answering commentaries may be more broad based in their implications; anticipating answers to them is quite exciting for us! I imagine that this question can be answered in no more than two statements, which is not as surprising as I believe you’ll see, because The Fare Powers Reform offers concrete structural actions within its initiatives to answer a host of questions before they’re even asked, meaning the very initiative structure you will use to enact the Fare Powers Reforms, will lead to other reforms and reinforcements in any political reform for the benefit of The People…they will be broad and intricate as we shall discover. But for this question at hand, here are our “formal views”, I say formal because they are based on an abundance of empirical evidence and the results thereof:

How will reinforced election reform work for the American People, you ask? Well, here are my statements arrived at in unanimous consent: 

  1. Probably most important, it will restore and reinforce, of course, the voting public’s trust in the process itself when they have a clear understanding of how it works and the laws which enshrine it! How many people actually deal with or do what they do not trust? Obviously, not many. This “process” is the first frontline that must be politically attacked by the 10% solution. That one in ten, has political power far beyond their numbers! And, that will first begin with The Fare Powers Reform Initiatives.

  2. How so, you might ask? First, their dogged commitment to what they believe is their righteous cause of saving The Republic. Second, their honed political skill sets adapting end-runs around mainstream media narratives and propaganda through the various uses of political logistics and mass messaging in the hands of honest men and women using initiatives. Thirdly, their expanding use of right side lawfare seeking favorable adjudications of new and/or existing election laws to prevent election or voter fraud–local commissions will have huge socio/economic impacts in the demands of these oversized roles righting huge wrongs…and they will!

That, for the most part, concisely states our formal view in this particular answer window. I have a little more time, so we can move on if you like?

We’re pleased to hear that, Professor, especially considering how we see you’re covering our questions so adroitly in your plain spoken words. So next question coming up.
