
      We asked that our Panel conclusions be placed as an introduction, which is of course opposite to what one might expect; a variation of “The Last shall be First”, if you will. We believe the since the Divine is in the Details for political reasons that Policy is Solution, by the People and for the People–policy is more likely to be colorblind, tribalism usually is not. That among other reasons is why We felt strongly that our bullet points should be presented first to hopefully spur a deeper interest in the interviews you conducted and asked direct questions of Us earlier. Happily you are amenable to that and permit us to have our sway to start off this way. 

     The unanimous conclusions of Our Panel are the following numbered bullet points and those points are magnificent in their Profound Simplicity; they point out political mechanisms so powerful at scale that they cannot be resisted. Why? Because they will be done by vast numbers of We the People motivated by legitimate self interest for themselves and their loved ones…if it is not done by them en masse it won’t be done. Our representatives have not done enough, so the People will compel them to become allies, not to replace our Republic, but to make it stronger than ever! 

So, proclaiming our points, here they are:  

  1.      This cannot be over stated. Direct political power of the People, not to replace our Representative Republic but to enhance it by holding our elected representatives’ more directly accountable through Legislative Demands, and if necessary, legal actions. All of the local commissions will be the political equivalent of armored vehicles and artillery! They will be organized  divisions in combating forces which oppose the rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, certainly within our great Golden State; but, we can see, that one day, that this might very well be nation-wide, perhaps even worldwide in time…these commissions will be especially effective at the 10,000 resident level especially since a given commission can address anyone or all of the Initiatives when they meet!
  2.      Unions have always been at heart about We the People. Reorganizing rank and file unions through the electoral will of given memberships will not only make them stronger, but will expand there impact when they join local commissions--of course through either appointment, random selection and volunteering–and will make their socio/economic striving more effective at the same time. These tools will be formed and hammered out on the anvils of activist actions of these decent and honest men and women who are a major part of the great middle classes…in fact, a major support beam of America!
  3.      Imagine, family structures being foundationally revitalized for parents through baseline income and being materially supported at home and various other locations. It will strengthen families–the root, trunk and branch of our civilization–by promoting safe and sane child care, education and parental outreach within united groups at local levels. Just think what that will mean for the good of all of us…especially the children. As we well know, there is no future for humanity without children; and, without what we call “caring/committed parenting” those children are worse than doomed no matter how wealthy or where they may live!
  4.      The entire Fare Powers Reform will enhance broad based caregiving and therefore will be much more than the very important care of the infirm, but will also be linked across generations through the caring and helping hands of decent men and women serving others as they serve themselves; it will manifest partnerships in expressions of parenting and protection in general and specific ways. And, It will take place in many geometric progressions as these beautiful locations increase!
  5.      Think of the healing and safety for victims of emotional and physical abuse; to empower and teach them to be their own best advocate while being united with appropriate authorities protecting “safe house” locations. It’s amazing to us on the Panel how this can reinforce the bonds of blood and affection by wrapping the hearts of those “advocates” in a kind of other worldly type of silk–silk being one of the softest yet strongest fabrics known to humanity!
  6.      Along with expanding commercial forms of employment, public cleanup and maintenance projects will take place and continue on day by day while ever improving technology aids the work only human hands and hearts can do. Technology that might very replace workers, will instead become the servant of those workers…which is as it should be!
  7.      Each Initiative’s individual power linked to the above points; ever advancing spearheads of political creation if you will, fighting off dark forces which burden and even enslave the People! We list dark forces in various forms as: crime, mental and physical health care, homelessness, unemployment and the many different ways such declines are expressed. To sum up, just doing what one can to help others and oneself do for one another what only people can do for other people!

     I know I speak for the entire Panel when I say, we certainly hope Our commentaries’ will be read and understood, but definitely hope your Initiative drafts will be read and that the reader understands the promise they will bring for the People, but more importantly, acted upon soon afterward.

     Our parting conclusions you might ask? This is not goodbye but rather, we’ll see you on the front lines of change…and what changes they shall be!
