What can be done to promote and protect affordable & safe shelter for any one?
Glad you’ve stayed with us Professor to address this next question: What can be done to secure base line property rights; provide guarantees for affordable housing & shelter to anyone?
Glad I’m still here of course, but to begin in answer, I’ll repeat myself. What good is a reliable and steady income if one cannot afford to live in safe and sanitary shelter which does not take a dominant share of their net pay just to live there? Looking at it on any given day in a half humane way, it is in fact a right–rights are what one needs as opposed to what one wants…if needs are not met, you perish, if wants are not met, you might get upset.
An important yet simple question, which is answered straightforwardly in your Fare Housing Initiative in effective details which speak for themselves about how to answer these needs, these Rights, but I’ll summarize into positive outcome point bullet points as best I can:
Mass production of housing units–The sometimes dire results of availability and affordability of safe and sanitary housing can, and we have little doubt, will be solved by what is known as Economy of Scale. Simply put, it is the mass production of housing units–the construction of which you clearly and directly lay out in the Fare Housing Initiative and call, Factory Flats. An easy to recall name, it may result in reference to derogatory association with what the uncaring call, the lower classes. But it will actually result, by way of analogy, in becoming a massive economic launching pad for countless vehicles of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for the Here and Now generations and those yet to be born!
Mortgage restructuring through private and public means to rent or own–Making selling and/or surrender of property much more direct and beneficial. Providing access to home appreciation for personal needs, a separate debt tied to mortgage repayment but at the same time, the owners private responsibility beyond the actual mortgage itself.
Rezoning of commercial and industrial areas–These areas have existing utility infrastructure in place which is a very strong factor to foster success alone, but adding to that success is the availability of buildable land space without intruding upon protected spaces such as: green belts, open space lands and parks. Protecting existing and future property values and protecting open and recreational space while expanding availability for all are also strong factors and deserve consideration to allow for further progress to alleviate lack of affordable and safe housing.
I tried to be brief, obviously, with each of these three major pillars which support the Fare Housing Initiative; yet, those pillars will be clearly seen in base relief scrolled on each with the details presented within the initiatives themselves. There in lays the supports for how it will work, but why they work is shouted out to the reader and supporters between the lines. Suffice it to say at this point that this reform is absolutely needed, else its absence will be very dangerous for many–the corrupt and the innocent together…some more, some less, that remains to be seen. Some will see it as a dangerous and radical Cracken, that gigantic monster who destroys what they have; others will know this–along with the other two initiatives–for what they truly are: Divine Titans of virtually unlimited Power through selfless imagination to right many wrongs!
Many thanks, Professor, for your overviews today. We truly look forward to the rest of what you and the Panel’s assessments will be tomorrow.
I’ll be here tomorrow. It’s too important to not contribute what we can. I’ll see you then.