What is Constructive Populism?
In direct terms, it is a Pro-American series of policies which offer beneficial solutions for the People from the Baseline on up to the upper middle class, done through the legal enforcement of economic/political law to foster equal opportunity & thereby strengthen Our Republic.
If you will, please read the following interview with an anonymous panel spokesman who truly cares for The People. Although highly qualified in all areas dealt with in The Fare Powers Reform, this panel of experts must remain anonymous to protect their prominent public profiles in academia, business, law and public service in all areas related to those expressions. We must add that even though “under the radar”, this is not the first time this panel has taken on burdens and risks to serve us! We are in their debt!
We’re pleased you’re here. If you would, paraphrase how you see our definition of Constructive Populism, and if you agree with it?
Thank you. I, we, most certainly do agree with it, even though the necessary legislation would appear to be quite politically radical to some–those who have a vested interest in not allowing such a powerful socio/economic seachange to take place.
To paraphrase, as you and others have mapped it out, it will mean the highest levels of direct economic freedom yet achieved by the American Middle Classes.
That is: full employment by choice in “work” which only people should do for themselves and others; affordable housing to resolve related issues which plague most levels of society; and, added and among these, include solutions to major problems of education and healthcare, and a host of other socio/economic problems.
All accomplished cost effectively with the greatest benefit for the majority of citizens or otherwise–regardless of their stature and wealth.
You’ve laid out answers to each headline question through detailed definitions, but, upon further discussion, we’ll reserve detailed comment for each one as we come to following interviews you invited us to be a part of.
The Divine is in the details!
Certainly. Please continue. I don’t have any questions thus far because you’ve answered before I had to ask.
I’m sure you’ll have hypotheticals to ask before too long?
Then, if I may, I’ll paraphrase each point in order of what I’ve stated–which our Panel, if I may call it that, agreed upon unanimously to define Constructive Populism:
Full employment through individual choice and work which only people should do: It’s really saying “work that only people can do…”. Important as that is, more so is the fact that it will build a seawall that will virtually withstand any storm striking society. How will that economically strong seawall be built? As you’ve laid out, mapped out, it will be built, and renovated as needed, by the very strong source which already exists and always has: simply put it will be funded in an additional fee/tax 20% percentage way along within what employers already do to hire employees and keep them. But, as we know, that is technologically changing, which makes this seachange even more pressing. That evolutionary supplanting of technology is but on reason The American People must have a robust socio, political, economic base!
Affordable housing to resolve related issues: Affordable housing is an anchor to full employment, all of our panel agreed on this without question! We say that because what good is full employment if one cannot afford comfortable and safe shelter? As you say, it’s just as simple in tandem as factory based mass production, rezoning of non-traditional areas and additional broad based methods of financing and refinancing for middle class levels.
Solutions to major problems of education and healthcare: These have become bedevilments! Mostly because of availability and cost, supply and demand. Seemingly complicated and overwhelming, they are not when approached through the effective private and public financial resolutions the Fare Powers Reform will directly provide: variable and voluntary levels of medical deductibles linked to large scale medical catastrophic plans; broad based educational expansion providing great increase in STEM courses and technical training. All of it funded efficiently without personal debt!
We’ll inevitably cover the “host of socio/economic problems” in following interviews. But for now, to conclude this first interview, I’ll attempt to summarize the essence Constructive Populism before we move on.
The essence of Constructive Populism as we see it is concisely this: By The People, For The People, through the Power of We The People. We’ll cover each one of those political mechanisms as we come to them via each headline bullet point questions on your landing page. Meaning, We’ll get into the finer points of those, of what really are in our following interviews.
In closing, I’ll use the word proclaim. The Panel and I proclaim in this first interview, that if we–and it will take the We–don’t engage in Constructive Populism, then we must accept the alternative for our Republic…but we already have that by large degree, don’t we? And, it is growing in dark power which seeks to dominate the People and not follow their will.
Thank you for this overview. And, many, many thanks for taking the time, and risk to your livelihood and reputation, for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with us.
You’re more than welcome. If not us, then who will? We’ll see you next time.